Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ramayana and Mahabharata

Another random perambulations of and idle mind. (Atlest it's not a devil's workshop).

I have over the years read/heard/been told various tales from the 2 great Hindu epics. I have also endeavoured to read condensed version of the two epics, giving me a fair idea of the story as well as the teachings. And, I can condense whatever I've learnt from them, into basically 1 sentence.

Read both, it's important. Because the Ramayana tells you exactly how to behave and what to do, while the Mahabharata tells you exactly what NOT to do and how NOT to behave.

So one gives you the ideal way of life through a hardly human avataar (Ram) and the other relates a saga of follies by extremely human individuals to tell you what mistakes to avoid. Amazing, isn't it?

Just my thoughts though.


Shruti said...

That's a very very interesting observation!!:)
Love this post!:D

Avanti Sané said...

Try reading the Gita..I promise you it will give you major food for thought...