Monday, December 29, 2008

I hate examinations!!!

Its 02.34AM in the morning, it's dark outside, and cold. I just had a paneer sandwich and a coffee, purportedly because I need to eat if I'm staying up late, but mainly because I am plain bored.

I have never studied (somewhat sincerely) till so late an hour, and I don't like it!!! When is this examination going to END???


Shruti said...

I know exactly what you mean!!! But that really doesn't help does it? At that moment you are just feeling when will this b****h of an exam will get f***ing over!! :)
Oh btw, did I mention, swearing helps?

Anonymous said...

Haha. Tell me seriously, when is it going to end? I will call you thereafter. Don't intend to disturb the "sincere student"!
