Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Momentary lapse of inspiration

This is more of a confession to myself that anything else...

I have been suffering from this bout of incredible.... this.... incredible SLOTH!!! Thats the word, not tiredness, not laziness, not boredom, plain and basic Sloth!

And it manifests itself as this absolute lack of inspiration, mainly to write, and also in other things. Which basically means I just don't feel like writing anything. I hope this is just momentary.

Because this Sloth, is affecting me in every aspect of my existence, right from work to play. I just hope I get out of this soon, real soon now...


Shruti said...

Its so weird that I am feeling something similar!I want to write, I can see a million things around me that I would have written about but I just don't feel like it!

Hope it passes soon!! :)

Shruti said...

Your moment is wa-aay too long dude!