Friday, April 3, 2009

Work-Life balance... is there anything like that??

Quite thought provoking, this...

Excerpt of a dialogue from "The Devil wears Prada"...

Nigel: Excuse me, will you adjust the attitude! Don' make me feed you to one of the models
Andrea: Sorry... it's... aaa... a busy day. And my personal life is hanging by a thread, thats all.
Nigel: Ah, well, join the club. That's what happens when you start doing well at work... Lemme know when your whole life goes up in smoke... that means its time for a promotion

Makes me wonder... "How True" I say... is there really something like 'Work-Life' balance. Or is that all just bullshit?


Kunjan the Businessman said...

There are two categories of work that you need to consider viz. Job and a self-owned business.

At job, I definitely think there is a work-life balance. You shouldn't carry the work at home. But you carry personal life at office if your job is not very demannding (like mine).

But equations change drastically with business. I think owning a business is a personal thing. And in a business, there is no line between work and life. Your work (meaning business) is your life!

Guy Next Door said...

Not always man... watch the movie... ul get the context...

Whatever be the work, there is always someone outside it... the wife, the parents, the girlfriend, the friends... and they cannot be mixed... whatsoever...

Job or business, "Success" is the keyword here. If you want to succeed at either, your personal life is bound to suffer. Or so it seems...

dimaagee keedaa :) said...

i love ut little dialogue discovery :)

dimaagee keedaa :) said...

i love ut little dialogue discovery :)

Amortya Ray said...

Its definitely possible to maintain a balance between work and life. My former boss would clock in at 7.30 in the morning and leave at 5.00 pm sharp. Given that he has a wife and 2 kids and commutes 2 hours one way daily, I think its only fair. Then again, someone like me who worked 100 hours a week for all of last year, makes me think otherwise.

(On a non related note- Akshay Gupta was in NY last week. Met him and Vivek Pasari. It was good.)

Avanti Sané said...

Wow...the IIM lifestyle is really hitting you ,huh?

Seriously, I think your brother(the one I am married to) handles it pretty well.

Guy Next Door said...

Well, it isn't really the IIM lifestyle... This thought really occurred to me when I saw the movie... And the stress here is on 'success'. And I mean, REAL success.
The trouble kicks in only when you work THAT hard... like in the movie. Doing well is fine, only when you reach a position of utter superiority, and consequently, utter responsibility... thats the problem I'm talkin about... And since most of us (including me) want that position, it was worth thinkin about... and I must that all for all these opinions...

Frood said...

When your life goes up in smoke, it BETTER be time for a promotion.