Friday, September 26, 2008

Lehman ke naam pe bill faado

Ever since Lehman Brothers' obituary was carved on their tombstone in Wall Street, it has become fodder for all B-school discussions and ammunition for B-school lecturers to spice up their usually boring lectures.

Unbelievably, lecturers from 5 different subjects (and that means 5 REALLY different subjects) openly ascribed Lehman's demise to some concept in their subject. And even I could make out that that was totally arbitrary!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


What I learnt after 1 semester in India’s premier B school

1. Clearly, I am not the most intelligent, capable and awesome person in the world.

2. Hard work must pay, cause I am nowhere near my dream job.

3. Unable to figure out what my dream job is, still...

4. I am not afraid of any situation. After going through the rigorous schedule and crazy examination, I feel I am prepared for any eventuality. Bring it on!